
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Work of the Artist Barbara Tomecak

The artist Barbara Tomecak largely works in paper, producing the most beautifully organic shapes, ethereal extensions of nature. Much of her work hangs in its own space, interacting with the world around it, never crowding it, never dominating it, just balancing with it as a moment in time. Barbara started experimenting  creatively with paper through the medium of origami. It was seemingly by chance that she became connected to papier mache, a discovery by accident, one that was formed out of necessity, and it is one that has served the artist well, as she sees it now as her has since primary means of expressing herself creatively.   Barbara had already dealt with both paper and gauze as materials, actions, processes within her work, but she began to see them over time becoming something else, something more, viewing them within another context, one very different from that in which she was used to.  She discovered an inbuilt hardness to the process, a textural ...

The Work of the Artist Dennis Potter

Illustration: Dennis Potter. Big Boro Japan and Japanese culture has both fascinated and inspired creative individuals across the planet for generations. The defined nature of Japanese culture, both in the visual and in the conceptual, lends itself to a broad interpretation and reinterpretation by artists from a range of backgrounds and disciplines. The artist Dennis Potter is inspired by a number of different elements of Japanese, and East Asian culture. He has travelled and lived in a number of environments through East Asia, and has been correspondingly influenced within his creative work by those environments. Illustration: Dennis Potter. Big Boro , detail One specifically Japanese inspired creative theme that Dennis has used in his work, is that of the kimono, more specifically the hakui, which is a kimono worn by Buddhist pilgrims who circumambulate the Japanese island of Shikoku. This specific and simple garment works as a metaphor for experience and memory, because it is inscri...

The Work of the Artist Anthony Stevens

Illustration: Anthony Stevens A Good Age The present art world is such a large and diverse one, we are indeed lucky to live in a period of such intense and widespread creativity. Of course, the internet has helped enormously to connect so many of us together, allowing people like myself to highlight creative individuals as never before, and for that we have to be truly grateful. One of the creative individuals that I have come across online recently, is the artist Anthony Stevens. Anthony uses his work as a form of therapy, a means of expressing and processing his life, both in the past and in the present, particularly as regards trauma and its after effects. As he says himself, his work is about, " dancing with my inner dynamics so that I can find a rhythm that is both constructive and wonderful." Illustration: Anthony Stevens Modern Man We are all trying to make sense of our lives, and to make sense of the environment around us. One of the best ways to do that, to work...