
Showing posts from August, 2017


Black Eye Gallery is pleased to announce the August 2017 exhibition Liminal by Armando Chant Liminal builds an interest with the potential for engagement that exists with the relationship  between imagery and objects that sit within an in-between state of emergence and  realisation. This series proposes an encounter with the liminal image in construction, where there is  an exploration and interaction with the blurred boundaries between the real and  imaginatively unreal, and images that are in a process of slow and gradual emergence. Chant depicts an abstract landscape composed of marks and gestures that are  indeterminate and indefinable, embodying both bodily contours and vast panoramic  gestural landscapes. “My practice aims to explore and open up potentials for the dressed body to be reframed or  represented within an ephemeral and transient context across site and surface, and contribute  to another way of experiencing image and body withi...